Allergy Season Flare Ups!

Allergy Season Flare Ups!

Allergies can affect your airways, sinuses and nasal passages, skin, and even your digestive system. Ranges from mild to severe depending on the individual. A further aid in dealing with allergies is PEMF!

Combat allergies with PEMF:

Inflammation Reduction
  1. Benefits achieved through stimulation of cellular metabolism
  2. Delivered using pulses which stimulates the molecule and results in a palpitation action.
  3. Oxygen in the cell and blood flow increase which causes a decrease in inflammation resulting in decrease pain.
Immune Booster
  1. By improving oxygenation immunity is boosted.
  2. Better oxygenation enhances the energy your body has to recuperate.
  3. This allows the metabolic system to function better
  4. BONUS! Improving auto immunity of individuals too!
Breathe Easier
  1. Regularly “charged” cells through PEMF creates an environment for stronger cells to get past breathing difficulties.
  2. Increased circulation will help the body get mucus moving.
  3. Creates a healthier environment for lung tissue and other related areas to breathing.
  PEMF therapy in its use for allergies has been shown to have great improvements in reducing symptoms and working in conjunction with conventional treatment methods. Actually, PEMF enhances the effects of medication for allergies by becoming more bioavailable to the body. PEMF has many clinical studies linked to its remarkable benefits. In one study the results supported a model in which PEMF treatment promotes the resolution of inflammation by stimulating the expression of cytokines and metabolic pathways involved in dampening and resolving the inflammatory response. This is important when inflammation with allergies is part of the problem we experience during flare ups! - Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field treatment on programmed resolution of inflammation pathway markers in cells in culture. PEMF therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation, to modulate and support a health immune system and it may help to improve cellular metabolism
PEMF therapy uses pulse frequencies to aid in eliminating nasal congestion, freeing up your breathing, and getting more oxygen to the brain. Feel more awake and refreshed in continuous use of PEMF.  


PEMF complete offers hands on training as well as an online format for humans, horses, pets, and livestock. The education is delivered in a detailed and research rich environment, with non stop growth in the ways that PEMF continues to benefit all components. To find out more about PEMF and allergies contact a specialist with PEMF complete by calling 877-473-6377 or Contact PEMF Complete online!
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